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Symantec Security Information Manager 4.8, Role Based Access Control

Hello all,

In this article I want to cover Role Management in SSIM 4.8. In my previous article I mentioned about SSIM 4.8 setup and license installation. You can access that article via .


Navigate to System > Administration > Roles

Hit the + icon from menu and begin new role creation.


Selection time for products. You can choose which products will be accessible with that role.


You can enable or disable permission for new role from that page as shown above.


You can define which tabs ( Dashboard , Intelligence , Incidents , Events , Tickets , etc… ) will be accessible for new role. “Tickets” node will be disabled for that role as shown above.


If you have any structure ( ou structure ) , you can select some OU’s for the role access.


If you have more than one SSIM Server, you can select which server will be accessible for that role. Next screen you need to select a user to add this role as member or you can complete this action later.


I will create a user and add to this role later.


I created a user named BarisSSIM1 and add you that role as shown above. Now wen can test this role. As you remember, this user does not supposed to access to “Tickets” node which is located right side of SSIM Client console.

Let’s login with BarisSSIM1.


As we can see “Tickets” tab is missing for BarisSSM1 user. Cheers J

If you want to edit the role properties (add new users , edit console access right etc… ) just double click on role and edit what you want.


I hope this is informative for you.